The client file allows to run specific modules from a terminal (bash,zsh etc…).
The main flags triggers specific modules features, like histogram plotting, mass spectra plotting, image analysis, etc… The others flags allows to parse values to this executed feature.
inside the package folder:
python [-flags] [-args]
To print the help from this module exec:
python -h
Mass spectrometry#
The flag -m triggers matplotlib spectra plotting from a .mzML file
The following flags takes the arguments:
-i –input
String with the path to a .mzML file
If not given, fallbacks to default: ‘./example_data/anad2.mzML’ example
-S –subtitle
String with the plot subtitle
If not given, fallbacks to default: <input file name>
Float with the minimum difference between 2 of the plot peaks, for both being plotted. Otherwise, if (peak 1 - peak 2) < argument, the lowest intensity peak is ignored.
If not given, fallbacks to default: 0.3 m/z
Articles databases analysis#
Creating an API key is optional and can be made registering here.
If desired to use api key, define an environemnt variable named NCBI_API_KEY with your key
The querying of NCBI pubmed database is made by the python package metapub.
python3 -m pip install metapub
To generate a csv with published articles containing a keyword from 2000 t0 2023, with number of articles per month, run:
python --pubmed -o <output_path> --interval 2000 2023
Note: PubMed database was created on january 1996
Default qurying interval if not inputted will be 2000-2023.
The following cloud vendors have Qiskit pre-installed in their environments:
IBM Quantum Lab
Build quantum applications and experiments with Qiskit in a cloud programming environment.
A platform that enables users and organizations to easily apply quantum computing to their most pressing problems and research.