Separate cli main function in smaller functions
Check utils functions absolute_path and remove_duplicates (Might delete).
Add spinger function
add scopus function to the others db functions
add db_stats, as well as any df stat
add bar plot
Mass Spectrometry#
Make script to plot MS2
See the possibillity of adding peaks that have difference lower than given resolution
Correct not found class error, from docstrings, like pd.DataFrame and matplotlib types
Add plots/nbs to the documentation
Add springer function
Data analysis#
Check if kwargs type values are correct by testing
Create an conditional if queryied articles in a month is more than 9999, to split the month and than add the results.
Check statistic function and find_matching_postions. (Might delete them)
Probably remove read_pubmed_csv function (deprecated, use clean_csv instead)
Remove my springer api from the code, try to use as an environment variable